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(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this short little piece! I must admit, though, it felt like it was too short and could have been fleshed out more, but the concept was really interesting and I like the dilemma Viola feels after seeing her wish and prayer granted. The fact that it was a prayer is also what attracted me to this game, and....


Even if Viola chooses to stay in the wish, she has a nagging feeling this isn't right, like she is living in a dream she has no right to be in. And although praying for the wish to be reversed is bittersweet, she no longer feels the sting of unrequited love and I like to believe maybe Viola found her true happy ending. I would like to think the prayer being granted in the first place and the nagging feeling Viola had was to make her think carefully about what she prays for, as her first prayer "make him fall in love with me" is not a good idea in the least, and if it meant living with that nagging feeling all her life -- it's not worth it. 

Also, kudos to the voice acting! That was a special treat added to the game!